Well and Septic Inspection Details
Well Systems
When it comes to private wells, there 2 important factors: how much water do I have and what's in it?!
What's in my water?
Water sampling is the process of taking samples of water from the home and having lab analysis performed. Typically, we test for bacteria, nitrates, turbidity, pH, lead, and iron, but many tests are available as needed.
How do I fix problems with my Well water? Although we don't make repairs, click here for info on some common issues and how to address them.
Click here for a PDF from the Water Systems Council about owning a well.
How much water do I have?
A well is a natural source of water below ground that supplies your home. There are 2 important factors with the quantity of water in your well system. The first is the reserve or static amount in the system and the second is the recovery or how quickly the earth refills your well. A well yield assessment is how we can verify that your well will provide enough water to take a shower and wash the clothes at the same time!
During a well assessment, we also inspect the components for proper function including the pump, pressure tank and gauge, etc.

Well, Septic, and Sewer
If your home has private well and septic, did you know these are likely the most expensive components of your home? That's right, a septic or well replacement can easily cost well more than a new roof or HVAC system! We inspect hundreds of well and septic systems as well as evaluate main sewer drains to help identify potential costly repairs.
Septic Systems
Septic inspections involve a thorough evaluation of the entire septic system to ensure proper function:
Inspecting the septic tank to ensure it's not leaking, not over flowing, how full the sewage levels are, and that the necessary baffles are in place and in good condition.
Evaluating the effluent disposal area - often called a drain or leech field for proper drainage and absorbtion, ensuring there is no excess saturation, backup, blockage, etc.
If the system is a BAT or nitrogen reducing system, we will test the equipment for proper function including any pumps, alarms, aerators or other mechanical equipment.
In addition to inspectin the system, we also give our clients a thorough review of how to properly care for your system. There is a lot of bad information out there and we want to dispell all rumors and give you just the facts.
You can access a sample of a septic inspection report here for great info on the inspection but also how to care for your septic system.
Sewer Drain Inspections
The plumbing in the home is inspected during your home inspection. However, the main drain from the house to the street can also be inspected with a camera by performing what we call a "Sewer Scope." During a Sewer Scope, we will access the main drain through a cleanout or by removing a toilet and feed a camera down the drain up to 100' to inspect the interior of the drain. Any home can have issues with the main drain, but this is especially important in homes built prior to 1980.